What to Do When a Card Just Doesn't Make Sense

Mountain Dream Tarot Cards

We've all  been at that place before. You've laid out a big, beautiful reading and things are flowing along smoothly. All the cards seem to exist telling a wonderful and cohesive story, connecting hands to each other and forming illuminating patterns. And and so it happens.

One bill of fare just. doesn't. make. sense. The ease and rhythm of your reading is completely thrown off. Where the words once came easily now in that location's... nothing. What do you practice?

This scenario fills a lot of us with fear. Why isn't this card behaving? What can't nosotros see? Why aren't we able to pull on our knowledge to brand things clear?

These hiccups happen to the best of united states of america, no matter how much memorizing and practicing we do. But before you despair, I'd similar to invite you to reframe the situation a piddling scrap.

What if the card throwing yous off is trying to tell you something important, something dissimilar? What if it's existence tricky for a reason?

In my personal practice, I've establish that these cards are a quick check on our ego as well as a gateway into a deeper facet of a situation. Their meaning isn't instantly clear considering it requires some more piece of work and finesse to go to the core message. As with most things, the hard piece of work is usually worth information technology.

Just back to that flustering, out-of-sync moment. I don't want to gloss over how unnerving it tin can exist to find yourself at a loss for words, especially when you lot're reading for another person. (Sometimes, cartoon a blank on a tarot card tin also be as unproblematic as a affair of stage fright.) Below I've compiled some tips for how to motion across this moment, whether information technology's a matter of forgetting, nervousness, or simply being at a loss for how the carte connects to the larger reading.

I hope these are helpful every bit you navigate similar situations. And above all, remember to breathe, be kind to yourself, and take these moments every bit invitations to dive deeper into the cards.


How to Bargain with Confusing Tarot Cards

  1. Accept a Moment to Center - Before you move into a state of panic, take a quick breath or two to reconnect with yourself and the present moment. Remember, the stakes aren't high, and a tarot reading is equally much an exploration as it is a message. Being in-control and certain 100% doesn't brand for nuanced, illuminating, and intuitive readings!

  2. Ask the Card What information technology Means - Wait deeper into the card without consulting the rest of the reading to delve into its nuances. Let the rest of the cards autumn to the wayside and imagine that you're doing a reading on the same question with just 1 card and voila! you've drawn your problem card. What message does information technology portray when viewed alone? Let your intuition lead the manner and reintroduce the rest of the cards when you feel confident.

  3. Start by Describing the Menu - This technique is an oldie and a goodie and is especially helpful when reading for another person. Begin by describing the menu out loud. For example, with the 4 of Cups you might say, "A person is sitting beneath a tree with their artillery crossed, gazing at three cups. They await bored and detached..." This exercise helps bring up any meanings and associations yous may have forgotten in the heat of the moment and brings y'all dorsum into the menses of the reading.

  4.  Explore Why it's Different - Accept a closer await at the card. Is it making y'all draw a blank because it doesn't fit in with the rest of the reading? If so, expect at how it differs from the remainder. Could it exist a warning? A new direction to move towards? A helpful attitude to comprehend? In this case, the carte's difficulty tin can bespeak towards its significant.

  5. Bank check-In with Biases, Fears, and Resistances - Is at that place something well-nigh this card that puts you on edge? It could simply be a card you don't resonate with naturally or 1 that brings upwardly bad memories and incompatible concepts. (I'thousand thinking authoritarian cards like The Emperor or cataclysmic ones like The Tower) Bring all these associations into your heed and and then let them go. Swipe them to the side! Say goodbye! Encounter what the card says to y'all without all this baggage. Is there a new message or meaning that's now visible?

  6. Draw a Clarifying Card - I similar to use this as a last resort, since it's easy to go overboard. This technique is helpful in situations where the tricky card seems to be missing information or but telling function of a story. Limit yourself to 1 card and identify it side by side to the card that's giving you trouble. Information technology'southward pregnant is solely to illuminate more nigh the showtime card. Let the ii form a dialogue and fill in any gaps of your agreement.

  7. Accept the Unknown - If, after yous've tried the steps above, the carte du jour is still being resistant, give information technology some time. I've constitute that in these cases the card needs actress time and space to reveal its significant. Normally it unfolds in quite a memorable style, so exist patient and see what arises equally you go about your normal life. This is just some other function of tarot's mysterious nature. Similarly, you lot can at present expect to this menu for inspiration in your future deportment. How might you lot deed to better sympathize the perspective or bulletin of the card you lot drew?

I promise these techniques help yous when you observe yourself with a card that merely doesn't make sense. In a higher place all, don't worry too much - this happens to the best of us, and then welcome to the guild! If anything, these cards are reminders that in that location's ever something new to experience with the cards.

How about you? What has your experience been with tricky cards? Do you accept whatever techniques that help you lot through these moments? Please share in the comments beneath!

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