Get A Leg Up

A Physical Therapist can treat tennis leg and implement prevention strategies necessary to get you lot back on the court safely and rapidly.

Injuries to the lower leg are mutual in tennis due to the high demand of the sport and the repetitive, quick movements required. Tennis leg is an incomplete tear or rupture of the calf musculus in the lower leg. The dogie muscles include the superficial gastrocnemius, the larger of the lower leg muscles, and the soleus, the smaller, deeper muscle that runs under the gastrocnemius.  The Achilles tendon connects the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to the heel bone.

Tennis leg ordinarily occurs in players that range in age from 35 to fifty years old. This musculus injury may occur as a consequence of a sudden contraction of the calf muscles, for instance during a sprint or dispatch to reach a shot, a sudden change of management, or during push button-off in the service motion.  Lawn tennis players often study a sudden, sharp or called-for hurting in the leg, sometimes accompanied by an audible sound or "pop" and a feeling similar they have been kicked in the leg. In most cases, the actor is unable to continue play because of the severe pain, which makes walking very difficult.

When a musculus has been strained, it is stretched beyond its allowable length and tears. If you experience a calf strain or tennis leg, accept immediate action. Fast and optimal outset assistance is disquisitional for a speedy recovery. In astringent cases, or if in doubt, consult your Orthopedist and/or Physical Therapist for further evaluation.  If y'all are having difficulty walking, most orthopedists will put you in a walking kicking so your leg tin rest and heal while still existence able to walk and function. Physical Therapists have a myriad of techniques to help decrease the pain and swelling, and restore motion, forcefulness and power.  Depending on the severity of the calf strain, recovery may take between 4-half-dozen weeks.

Firsthand Intendance

Remainder.  If walking is painful and difficult, go a pair of crutches and then you don't have to carry weight through the injured musculus. It is ideal to use the crutches as long as yous are still limping. As the pain subsides, yous may beginning putting weight on the human foot. Once y'all tin can walk without a limp, you lot can ditch the crutches.

Ice . Absurd the painful region.  You can use ice or a cold pack straight to the painful area for 20 minutes or submerge your lower leg in a bucket of cold h2o and ice for 10 minutes. Repeat this several times a 24-hour interval. Exercise not place an water ice pack on the bare skin. Place a towel betwixt the skin and the water ice pack to avoid a common cold burn from the ice pack.

Compression.  Employ a pinch wrap to the lower leg starting from the foot wrapping upwardly to the knee. This is important as information technology compresses the pocket-size vessels in the calf and limits the haemorrhage and prevents blood and fluid from accumulating in the foot and ankle.

Drag . Endeavor to elevate the lower leg during the initial days post-obit the injury to minimize the swelling in the foot and ankle.

The Route to Recovery

It is platonic to seek care from a Physical Therapist to guide you through the rehabilitation procedure. Here's what you tin expect during your rehabilitation:

Manual Therapy.  The calf muscles are often very potent and sore post-obit the initial injury. Physical Therapists implement soft tissue mobilization techniques to restore the normal length and mobility in the injured tissue, so it is important to not skip this step.

Heel Lifts. Inserting a heel lift (with stupor absorption) in both shoes for 1 to ii weeks may help to ease the load on the calf muscles during walking.

Cardio Training . Swimming or gentle cycling for 30 minutes every twenty-four hours increases the blood menses to the calf muscles and enhances recovery. This may be challenging at the beginning of rehab, then permit your Physical Therapist guide you.

Stretching.   The calf muscles may still exist painful early on, so exist gentle when stretching. Step forward with the unaffected leg, keeping the heel of the back leg on the floor. The knee of the affected leg is kept straight. Shift your body weight forrad and press the heel of the back leg firmly into the flooring.  You volition feel a stretch in the upper calf region of the back leg. You tin besides stretch the deeper, shorter muscle in the calf. Get-go from the aforementioned position every bit described above, but now curve the knee joint of the back leg while keeping the heel on the flooring. The stretch is felt lower in the dogie.  Hold each stretch for 15 to xx seconds (no bouncing), followed by 10 to xx seconds rest, and repeat 3 times.

Strengthening.  As shortly equally you walk without pain, you lot will begin the strengthening phase of rehab. Heel raises are a proficient start to strengthening the calf muscles. Slowly rise onto your toes and hold this position for 5-x seconds. So slowly return to the starting position. Perform this do with both feet at the aforementioned fourth dimension. You will progress this to heel raises off a stride and on i leg.

Plyometric Training. Also known as "jump training" or "plyos", these are exercises in which muscles exert maximum forcefulness in short intervals of fourth dimension, with the goal of increasing power (speed and force).

Agility Drills. To ensure that you are ready to render to tennis, agility drills will be performed that will work on your lateral movements, balance, speed, and coordination.

Return to Play

A gradual return to tennis is recommended. Ensure you perform a practiced dynamic warm-up before hitting so that your legs are fully warmed-upwards before playing. You can start hitting either against the practice wall or with mini-lawn tennis and gradually increment the altitude from the wall or your opponent on the court. Make sure you position yourself well for the ball by taking small steps. Start with your basis strokes, and so progress to volleys, overheads, and serves. As long as you don't have any pain and you can smash the ball with good footwork, you are prepare to starting time playing points, games and a practice friction match. Once you accept played practice matches for two weeks in succession without bug, yous can render to competition.

Injury Prevention

You can reduce your risk for tennis leg by paying attending to the following points:

Set up. The best way to prevent tennis leg and muscle strains is to sufficiently warm-upward earlier playing.  I know no one likes to make time to warm-up, merely information technology is critical for injury prevention.  Get to the court early to perform your dynamic warm-up.  A 5-7 minute dynamic warm-up is platonic within fifteen minutes of your match time.  This includes movements to assist lengthen your muscles to prepare for tennis and   increases your centre charge per unit and body temperature so your trunk is warm, which may help decrease your run a risk for injury.  Once you compete your dynamic warm-up, grab your racket and offset hitting. Your muscles volition thanks.

Recover.   Immediately post-obit your match, stay on the court to stretch your artillery and legs. They but did a lot of work so help the musculus absurd down and then you aren't stiff or sore the side by side day. Stretching helps maintain flexibility and articulation mobility.  Concord each stretch for about xxx seconds.  A few of my favorite stretches are best done on the floor, so it is ideal to throw a yoga mat down and finish your stretching in the club firm or locker room.  Cool-down stretching should be done within 30 minutes of coming off the courtroom, so exercise this before you shower and change clothes. And then, go reward yourself with a drinking glass of wine or beer!

Roll information technology out.Cream rolling is a great way to stretch and massage your muscles and fascia after you play.  I recommend combining this with your stretching.  Gyre each muscle for virtually 30 seconds.

Repair.   At the end of your day, take a warm bath with 1-2 cups of Epsom salts for near 15 minutes.  The magnesium sulphate in the Epsom salts is soothing for sore, tight and tired muscles and diminishes pain and muscle tension promoting more restful sleep. So, accept your bathroom earlier bedtime and catch a few more z'south!

Protect.   If you take experienced a calf musculus strain or Tennis leg, consider applying a compression sleeve effectually the lower leg. During the cool weather months, suit your vesture to the atmospheric condition weather condition. Information technology may be a expert idea to wear pants, running tights, or pinch gear to keep your legs warm. Well-warmed muscles are meliorate able to withstand pulling and traction forces than cold muscles.

Massage.   Every few weeks, consider investing in a deep tissue or sports massage to help improve circulation and repair tired, sore, tight muscles.  Massage helps your on-court performance, so make time for it!

Cross train .  Cycling, running, Pilates and yoga as smashing ways to cross train for tennis, which build strength and flexibility and will help reduce your gamble of muscle trains and tears.


Lawn tennis Leg is a mutual injury seen in recreational tennis players that is a result of repetitive overload and lack of grooming and recovery. You will need to take time off tennis to rehab your injury.  Even the more milder strains volition benefit from a few physical therapy sessions to ensure that all mobility, flexibility and ability return the injured muscle. Seek immediate care from a Physical Therapist to take advantage of the many treatment interventions available and to larn the prevention strategies necessary to get you lot back on the court safely and quickly.

Dr. Baudo Marchetti is a Board Certified Sports Clinical Specialist at One on One Physical Therapy, a multidisciplinary private practice in Atlanta. For almost five years she was a full-time sports physiotherapist for the WTA Bout and is a tennis medicine practiced. She teaches a Sports Concrete Therapy course and assists in teaching orthopedics within the Sectionalization of Concrete Therapy at Emory University. Learn more by visiting